
「冷燻」とは、燻製の手法の一種です。一般的な燻製の調理温度は約 60℃以上ですが、冷燻は約 30℃に満たない温度で食材を燻します。その結果、食材の魅力が熱により損なわれること無く、食材の潜在力を引き上げる事ができ、食の世界の可能性をさらに広げる事ができる調理法の一つとして考えています。
The magic of cold smoking
Cold smoking is a type of smoking technique. Whereas the typical cooking temperature for smoked food is around 60°C or higher, cold smoking smokes food at a temperature of 30°C or lower.
As a result, the heat does not damage the appeal of the food and the potential of the food can be enhanced.
New smoking potentiality crafted by hand
Our factory has "cold smokers" who are specialists in cold smoking.
These craftsmen are certified by the Nihon Reikun Kyokai Association, where Mr Koshimizu, a leading expert in cold smoking, serves as a director.
We meticulously smoke our ingredients, taking into account the balance between temperature, humidity, ingredients, time, and smoke.
By doing so, we ensure that the flavour is the first sensation in your mouth, not the smoke.
Production at the Tokachi Reikun Factory
The climate of Tokachi Nakasatsunai Village is perfect for cold smoking food in Hokkaido, thanks to its many sunny days and low humidity.
We also acknowledge that food has been part of our culture since ancient times, created through imagination and creativity.
Nowadays, smoking food is transforming from a preserved food made by our wise ancestors to an innovative cooking technique.
Our goal is to uphold the positive elements of tradition whilst envisioning innovative ideas while dealing with the ingredients, and producing goods that elevate the global standards from a fresh perspective.